Pete Dunn's Silicon Songs
At last – a Web site dedicated to songs about semiconductor manufacturing technology!

The Songs
About Pete
 Photo by Rudy Pospisil

About Pete

Musician and songwriter Pete Dunn is a well-known member of the worldwide semiconductor manufacturing community. He covered the industry as a journalist from 1987 to 2000; was the founder and first editor/publisher of WaferNews, the chipmaking sector’s leading weekly news publication; and now serves as vice president of strategic services for Loomis Group, a global integrated marketing agency.

The son of an engineer and a painter, Pete is that rare person who can both understand complex technologies and communicate about them in engaging prose. His reporting and analysis have proved useful to executive, scientific, and lay readers, and even to the US government – a 1990 scoop on the potential sale of U.S. microlithography technology was read into the Congressional Record. Pete’s enthusiasm for science and language is also at the heart of his Silicon Songbook.

Throughout his career, Pete has also sustained an active life as musician and audio producer. Since 1983, he has penned hundreds of songs and instrumental works, including a dozen songs about semiconductors. He has been a catalyzing force in several metro-Boston bands, serving as front man and lead singer, and playing guitar, bass and drums. In 1986, Pete launched SubMicron Media, a digital recording studio that has produced numerous projects, including CDs, video soundtracks, and radio dramas.

Production credits include “One Side of the River,” a spoken-word poetry anthology featuring former Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky, Mary Campbell, David Ferry, and other leading poets (Say That! Productions, 1995); “When Words Were Like Magic,” a music-literary video funded by a grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council; albums and singles of semiconductor-related songs from 1989 to the present; and full-band recordings of Drones Club, International Motel, The Bad Dog, and several other immortal Boston-area groups.

Dunn lives near Boston with his wife, writer-photographer Emily Hiestand.

Copyright 2005 by Pete Dunn; songs P and © Orktunes International, BMI - All Rights Reserved